Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Wait, another blog? Yes, friends, you know what that means. Rob WIlliams has struck again with another one of his classes.
For those of you who happened upon this blog that aren't in Grassroots Toolbox, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Cheeto, and this is a video I've recently found on the boob YouTubes:

Now, I'm not sure if Rob let us watch the entirety of that, but even if he didn't, can anyone here deny the awesomeness of this? And even if you can, can you at least respect the time and effort made, and downright amazing talent the creator of this video has? Well, had SOPA or PIPA (I refuse to pronounce it 'pippa', like Pippy Longstocking. I call it 'piipa. Don't ask me why. It's something I've decided to put my foot down on. YOu gotta have those now and again) passed, guys like Fagottron (no joke, that's his YouTube name. You can check out his channel here.) would've been in the crosshairs of some people who can put you away for some serious time. That's not cool. That's something that I don't enjoy. Here's something I do enjoy!
From Bamyan Bash
I took this picture. And I'm really thankful that I have the skills, equipment and the opportunity to capture these moments in time. This guy's name is Pvt. Terrance Toohill from Christchurch, New Zealand. How did I end up taking a picture of Terrance playing with devilsticks whilst wearing full body armor? I went to this place called Bamyan Province in Afghanistan.

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It's pretty cool, if you ask me. Someday, the people that live there want to make their home a tourist attraction, and for some adventuristic souls, it already is. I mean, look at this place!
From Bamyan Bash
Razor-wire aside, this place was pretty chill. I mean, yeah, there was the constant threat of some serious gunfire and mortars and things, but at night, I never saw so many stars. It's awe-inspiring to see stars when there isn't a light within a 100-mile radius. And in the morning, just as the sun is about to come up, you can hear the Call to Prayer sung all around you as each village on the mountains gets hit with the early morning twilight. Sounds kinda cool, doesn't it? You know you wanna go.
 Enough with the ramble, and now for something completely different.
You wanna know about me? This is what's on every about me section of my various social media entities:
First off, why do it? Well, let's take a walk down to the tracks. We'll sit on the wall and watch a few trains go by. Let's see if the lonesome train whistle calls your name the way it calls mine. I get a strange feeling in my gut just to be near the big trains whooshing and banging and clanging and hissing and rumbling. It's wanderlust. I'm itching to catch the next train out. - Wes Modes

 "So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more dangerous to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man’s living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun." -Alex Supertramp Those two quotes seem to sum up my representation of myself.

 OH! Quiz time! Who is/was this guy?
Leave your answer in the comments below.

..... Stick around. This blog is going to get interesting.